Petra A. Bauer, Freelance Writer
My name is Petra A. Bauer, and I'm a German author, journalist, blogger and web 2.0 addict.
I'm located in the northern part of Berlin, Germany and have my target group living with me: My husband and our four children.
I started my writing carreer in 2000 and published my first books in 2004. Main focus is on crime novels, as well as books for children and teenagers.
Above that I write articles and periodic columns for magazines. Main themes are education, women, family, livestyle, homes & gardens and adjacent subjects.
I usually write in German, but I invite you to take a look on my bilingual projects: Books in german and english language.
Contact me: .(Javascript muss aktiviert sein, um diese E-Mail-Adresse zu sehen)
Petra A. Bauer
13503 Berlin
URL english.writingwoman.de